We are excited to announce that we will be releasing a limited edition screen print on June 13th entitled “It’s Already Yours”, created by Polish artist Dawid Planeta. “It’s Already Yours” was first released on Dawid’s Instagram in October 2020. Afterwards, Dawid and Jet-Black Gallery decided to collaborate to release this amazing work as a series of screen prints.
Dawid has written a newsletter he would like to share in which he dives deeper into his process, focusing on “It’s Already Yours” in the current issue. Newsletters are sent to his subscribers every time a new artwork is released. If you are interested in subscribing to his email newsletter, please send a DM to Dawid’s Instagram @minipeopleinthejungle with your email address asking to sign up.
Dawid Planeta Email Newsletter
Today I want to share my latest work and text – those who are following me on instagram or facebook might already have seen it, but I also add additional short text I wrote today.
This work was a difficult one – when I finished it, I just couldn’t tell what it’s trying to tell me. It was a mystery. I’ve been looking for a right quote for a few weeks before I found the one that fits. Usually it took me few days. I’m happy I waited, and that I can now share it with you.
If you search everywhere, yet cannot find what you are seeking, it is because what you seek is already in your possession. – Lao Tzu
When you don’t know what you want, it’s because you are looking it in the wrong place.
You’re stuck in your mind, looking for an answer.
But the answer won’t make you happy, although your mind tells you it will. It’s just another lie.
What you really want is freedom from the need of knowing.
Freedom from having to define yourself, from putting yourself in the box.
The answer you are looking for lies beyond the limits of your thoughts.
It cannot be put into words. It’s so much more than that.
It’s in the feeling of excitement.
It’s a light shining through you.
It’s an idea circling around you – full of life, free from limitations of the mind.
Let it drive you, let it inspire you.
Let it flow through you.
Don’t try to own it.
Let go and let it guide you.
It will lead you where you need to be.
@Dawid Planeta
I recently thought about how we move through life and how we often fall out of balance when we get stuck in one way of moving and forget about the other.
Most of the time we move in straight lines, trying to get from one place to another as fast as possible – not only physically, but above all mentally.
We started to think in straight lines,
We focus more and more on the goal and less on the road itself.
We get to places faster but we lose joy somewhere along the way.
We forget that joy is hidden in unexpected moments, moments when we explore, when we learn something new.
We need to allow ourselves to be lost sometimes.
Not to know what we want and not to feel bad about it.
Stop moving in straight lines and start moving in spirals, circling around, searching.
Allow yourself to enjoy the journey and if you encounter something that excites you start making smaller circles around it for as long as you like before moving on.
This will take you to places you didn’t plan to go to, which many times can give you so much more than going straight to the goal. Many times you will learn more from the process than from actually achieving your goal.
Moving in straight lines is great but feels less alive.
It can help you but don’t forget that what is important is to feel alive.
To enjoy what you do.
To enjoy who you are.
Dawid Planeta
Polish artist and graphic designer Dawid Planeta summons gigantic beasts in his series of grayscale illustrations set in a mysterious land. Titled Mini People in the Jungle, his work explores the artist’s personal experience with depression, visualizing the mental journey through dark times. Planeta explains, “It’s a story of a man descending into darkness and chaos in search of himself.”
Dawid Planeta Instagram
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