“Your Radiant Light is Traversing Space and Time” is a limited edition screen print created by Tokyo based artist Koichiro Takagi. The special edition is a piece screen-printed onto holographic paper using 6 colours.
The holographic paper used for the special edition shines in the full spectrum of colours depending on how the light hits it. Shiny or glittery things give us the special, magical feeling of childhood, but we aren’t exactly sure why. When the hologram so seamlessly meshes with the worldview depicted by Koichiro, that special feeling becomes even more permeating.
“Your Radiant Light is Traversing Space and Time” was created in 420 × 584 mm, so you can exhibit the framed piece anywhere in your house.
Regarding his new piece, Koichiro describes the following:
“The world is still in a difficult situation, but it is starting to turn for the better. I hope that light will traverse space and time to lead us in the right direction, and then spread across the world.”
We hope that this special piece can add some extra richness to your life.